Welcome to Lockport Leadership!
The leadership team is comprised of students in grades 7-9 and is guided by Ms. Lambert, Mr. Morelli, and Mr. Steip. This is a group that dedicates time to volunteering and connecting with communities, promoting school spirit, and organizing school-wide philanthropic events. It is open to all students who can commit to investing time and energy towards these goals and who are able to keep up with their school work. Check back often to see what we're up to next! Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!
Current Projects:
Past Events:

A Big Lockport Lancer Thank You For All Your Donations!

Heaviest Weight of Food Gathered:
1st place: Cookie Monsters TAG Alliance (338 lbs)
2nd place: Blackjacks TAG Alliance (178 lbs)
3rd place: Beasts from the East TAG Alliance (139 lbs)
Most Items of Food Gathered:
1st place: Cookie Monsters TAG Alliance (269 items)
2nd place: Blackjacks TAG Alliance (172 items)
3rd place: Beasts from the East TAG Alliance (124 items)
TAG Alliance Mint Condition finished strong with 117.5 lbs and 119 items
Totals: We Scare Hunger Drive 800 lbs of food (684 items) this year, which is headed to the Selkirk Food Bank.

Here are some highlights from the initiative:
- Our student Leadership team chose "Be a Santa to a Senior" as their philanthropy effort for this season. So, this was 100% student-led right from the start. Our team consists of a mix of grades 7s, 8s, and 9s, approximately 35 students in total.
- Ms. Lambert reached out to the organization and they were excited to have students decide to support seniors. We found out that over 250 seniors were still on the waitlist which made our initiative even more important. We were also told that the seniors often cherished the cards over everything else, and that they often left the cards on display for months after the holidays.
- Our team spent many hours creating hand-made cards in the art room. They made over 70 cards in total using crafting supplies and pure creativity.
- They decided to raise money and accept gift donations to support the project. They came up with holding a bake sale and a hat day to raise money. We also set a collection bin at the front of the school for donations.
- The hat day made around $100.
- Each member of student team and several teachers and staff brought in some baking for the bake sale. We raised $450 over the 2 lunch hours, bringing the total donation money to $550.