The band program at Lockport is made up of students from grade 7, 8 and 9. There is a concert band at each grade level and a jazz band made up of Grade 8 and 9 students which takes place outside of the timetable.
Grade 7 and 8 band students do an intense music retreat at Camp Arnes each year. The Grade 7 band goes to camp in February and the Grade 8 band goes to camp in November. While there, we work hard in full rehearsals and in small groups with professional clinicians to help enhance their musicianship, individually and within the group.
The Jazz Band attends the Brandon Jazz Festival each year and the Grade 9 Band also goes on a workshop tour to round out their musical experience at Lockport.
Band Program Objectives:
Music is one of the finer pleasures in life regardless of whether one is involved professionally or on a more casual basis. It is our objective in the band program:
- To develop reading skills and proficiency in playing a chosen musical instrument.
- To develop an appreciation and understanding of the language and structure of music.
- To give the student the opportunity to expand his/her interest and talent.
- To provide the student with opportunities for public performance.
- To give the student an opportunity to develop work ethic, self-discipline and pride in his/ her accomplishments.
- To give the student an opportunity to participate in a group activity, thus developing a sense of group responsibility and team spirit.
- To assist the student in planning for future musical enjoyment.
There are two school performances throughout the year. The winter concert traditionally takes place the last week of January or the first week of February and the spring concert the first week of June. Watch the school newsletter closely for exact dates and please mark them on your calendar; it is expected that your child attend the concert. Please inform and make arrangements with coaches early to avoid conflict.
Concerts are about one hour in length and begin at 7:00PM. Students are asked to assemble at the school to warm-up by 6:20PM.
Band Uniform: White dress shirt with collar, tie of your choosing and blue jeans
SCHEDULE: Gr 7/8 will have 3 - 50 minute classes in the 6-day cycle, and 9's will have 4 - 50 min classes per 6 day cycle. Please remember to have your instrument, music folder, duotang, pencil and all necessary supplies for your specific instrument at every class.
Students are expected to participate in all schedule band classes and extra rehearsals. Attendance at all performances is essential.
Band Fees:
Are as follows and need to be paid by the October 15th. Cheque made payable to Lockport School.
- School Rental Fee: $150 (only for students renting large school-owned instruments).
These instruments include: French horn, Baritone, Tuba, Bass clarinet & Baritone sax.
Classroom / Behaviour Expectations:
In order to develop and maintain an excellent band program, the following expectations must be met by all students: a clean and organized band room, respect and care for all instruments, music and all equipment in the band room.
Students should not handle each other's instruments, except in special cases with permission, and only when using his/her own mouthpiece. Percussion instruments are to be used only by designated percussion players.
Respect for one another as individuals and cooperation from all band students is expected to build a strong band. Students whose behaviour/attitude is not reflective of this will meet with the teacher and administrator to determine a further course of action.
Our band functions like any team, when each member is committed and gives his/her best effort, the entire team benefits and the results are very rewarding.
Assessment / Grading:
Grading will be based on the following criteria.
Performance in class & at concerts where students will be asked to demonstrate the following characteristics of a good musician:
- Breathing-Posture-Tone-Intonation
- Technique-Dynamics-Articulations-Tempos
- Rhythm-Style-Awareness of the rest of the ensemble
These characteristics will be assessed day-to-day and through playing tests. Playing tests will take place in class or recorded as assigned.
In-class performance and effort are fundamental to success in the band room. Every time you play your instrument in class, you are "handing in" something to be assessed and evaluated.
Characteristics of good citizenship demonstrating commitment, team effort, a positive attitude and respect for other members of the ensemble. These include: focus in rehearsals, punctuality, preparation for rehearsals including having all the necessary supplies, set up/take down in class & at concerts. These will be assessed and reported on each term.
At-Home Practice- practice is necessary and encouraged to occur on a weekly basis throughout the year. Practising several times a week is more beneficial than trying to do 60 minutes all at one time. Three 15-20 min sessions will not only produce development in tone quality, range and reading ability but will greatly develop endurance (ability to play for longer periods of time). Practice Calendars MAY be given out throughout the year to be completed and signed by a parent verifying practice done outside of class. These will provide for bonus marks to be incorporated into your grade
If you need extra help, are unsure of an assignment, or have a problem, please do come and see me. If you miss a class, be sure to find out if there was an assignment. Ultimate responsibility for your band mark lies with you and you are part of a team that needs you to give it your best.
Please show an interest in your son/daughter's musical studies and encourage his/her efforts. Help your child to establish a regular time for practising in a quiet place free from distractions. Encourage your child to set goals for their monthly practice and help them to record the time spent on their instrument and what they accomplished. Purchase a music stand and some extra music for them to play (seasonal and pop tunes are available at local music stores) as well as recordings of a famous musician who plays the same instrument as your child (or check the local library). Consider private lessons-these are extremely valuable and allow students to excel very quickly. Further information may be obtained from me regarding possible instructors.
Lockport Band Parents Association is an important and essential part of our band program which contribute both organizational and financial support. Please get involved and support their activities.
Ms Vickie Milliken is the Band Teacher at Lockport School. If you have any questions about the band program, please send an email to [email protected] or call 204-757-9881.
Manitoba Curriculum