Welcome to Lockport School!

Lockport School is a middle years school in the Lord Selkirk School Division. Our school is located in Lockport, Manitoba and consists of approximately 300 Grade 7 - 9 students. 'Educational Care and Excellence' is the vision that we strive to carry out at Lockport School.
We help meet the unique and diverse needs of young adolescents through a strong commitment of staff. TAGS (Teacher Advisory Groups) consist of students at all three grade levels. TAG groups meet at the start of both the morning and afternoon sessions, as well as a place to eat lunch. TAG teachers also take attendance and communicate necessary information.
The curriculum is consistent with the guidelines mandated by Manitoba Education with courses in English language arts, basic French, mathematics, science, social studies and physical education. Students have an opportunity to take electives including art, band, technical education, and human ecology. There are three reporting periods in the school year, with the opportunity for student/parent/teacher conferences in November and March. Parents are encouraged to contact the school throughout the year.
A snack canteen is available to supplement lunches. There are many opportunities for leadership and participation in clubs and extra-curricular activities. Many of these activities are offered for student participation, before school, at noon hours, and after school.
Lockport School has many opportunities to offer students! A pursuit of excellence continues to be a school and student goal in academics.
The school office hours are 8:00 am to 4:15 pm. There is an answering machine available outside of the regular office hours. Please call (204-757-9881) or email the school (
[email protected]) before 9:00 am when your child will be absent.