


Enriching the core curriculum:

Career and Skill Development

  • Rotary Career Symposium - Grade 9 students (March)
  • Peer Helpers - Presentations by students to students, Health (Teen Talk training), Citizenship and Character development (Think It Through Workshop in Nov.), Global Justice Conference
  • Peer Tutors - Grade 9 students in Grade 7 & 8 Classes (usually math, French, and Language Arts, Learning Resource Centre, Homework club
  • Leadership - various opportunities through the year and throughout the school
  • Canteen - practical marketing and service industry skills, tied with Canoe and Drama Clubs

English Language Arts

  • Public Speaking - (Toastmaster or 4H to present)
  • Winnipeg Harvest (Pay It Forward, extension of novel study)
  • Drama Club - production based
  • Yearbook Club - throughout the year, training provided
  • Guitar Club - beginners to experienced


  • Engineering and Geosciences Week: Spaghetti Bridge Competition.

Social Studies

  • Junior Parliament - Divisional Parliament session and lead up meetings at lunch.
  • AAA - Cultural Exploration SIP available to Grade 9 students as a 0.5 or 1.0 credit.

Art Club

  • Expand opportunities through clay and pottery as well as other mediums. Meetings take place at lunch.

Technology Education

  • Before, after, and during lunch break, students have the opportunity to work on projects.